- STAY MAGICALLY ORGANIZED: Keep your spells and potion recipes safely organized with this exclusive spiral notebook from the Wizarding World. You will never forget another important Hogwarts assembly with this journal in hand.
- ENCHANT YOUR INNER WIZARD: You’ll be an A+ student at Hogwarts with this tabbed journal to keep your notes tidy. Use the five tabs to file your thoughts under placeholders for Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.
- ALL YOUR NOTES IN ONE PLACE: Notebook includes 75 pages of space for notes and sketches. Pages are divided by section with either lined or graph paper. The sheets feature themed doodles and logo art in the lower outer corners.
- KEEPS YOU ORGANIZED: Tabbed notebook has a wide range of applications. Use it for basic meetings, studying, travel diary writing, and more. The journal is small enough to bring along wherever you go, measuring 5 x 8 inches (closed).
- OFFICIAL WIZARDING WORLD COLLECTIBLE: Magically organize with this officially licensed Harry Potter spiral notebook. Potterheads can experience the powerful wizardry of note-taking with decorative stationery paper.
Take good notes while you’re studying up on Muggle behavior with this exclusive Harry Potter spiral notebook journal. This handy five-subject mini notebook is perfect to stick inside the pocket of your robes whenever you go out.
The tabs have unique vinyl dividers to make it easy to flip through the journal and record your observations. Each of the Hogwarts Houses are represented on the tabs to keep Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins alike organized.
Jot down all your most important potion recipes, incantations, and Quidditch game days. The pink sheets are divided by section and contain a combination of wide-ruled pages or graph paper. If you don’t use this spiral notebook for your Hogwarts schoolwork, it also makes a great journal or notepad for any six things you want to keep tabs on.
Conjure up an A+ on your next exam with this officially licensed collectible from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
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